Google Chrome 67 issue

Date: 13/07/2018


Since the release of Google Chrome 67, we have been notified that when launching Google Chrome the Windows Installer screen launches asking for the IBM Notes installation files (see below).

This pop up stops you using Google Chrome and the only way to clear this is to close Google Chrome.

Google have accepted that there is an issue with this release of Chrome, but as yet are to release a new version that corrects the problem.

If you do have this problem there is the following workaround, however we suggest speaking to your local IT Department or contacting ourselves before running this script:

Rename-Item "Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products\9B1DFAB0A3746AE4D8775B44062B1C99\SourceList" -NewName "SourceList.old" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Once Google provide a solution or release a new version, we will let you know.