Lotus Notes 8.5.2 has now been released and is the newest addition to the Lotus Notes family of products Some of the new features include:- Ability to change the default font in email
Users can now easily change their default font...this is done by clicking Text - Set Current Font as Default Font. Multi -threaded replication
The Notes client is now capable of fully multi-threaded replication, this means replication now happens much faster, and if one particular server or database is unavailable or taking a long time, the rest of your database replication tasks will not be held up. And many more features......... As well as these new features, the client has been enhanced to load quicker than the previous 8.5.1 client which sometimes suffered from slow loading times.
Dale Street Mills Royd Street Longwood Huddersfield HD3 4QY +44 (0)1484 651144 contact@e-solutionsltd.com