Document Controller 8.5 now released

Date: 01/03/2011


New Features:
1. Web Interface

Issued documents can now be viewed via an Internet Browser.

2. Default list of Reviewers and Approvers

When you create a document in Document Controller you are asked to set-up your Reviewer list and Approver list for that document. If your reviewers and approvers are the same every time, this could be quite a laborious task. In Document Controller 8.5 users can now set-up a default list for reviewers and approvers.
3. Reminder email for overdue document review

Previously when a document review date was reached the Document Owner received a "one-time" email notification. In the new version the document owner receives a weekly notification email for documents that have reached their review date but no action (ie: new revision created or the document has been archived) has been taken.
4. Ability to automatically archive documents when the review date is reached

It may be the case that when a document review date is reached the document should be automatically archived. In Document Controller 8.5 when the Document Owner makes the document current they can specify whether the document should be automatically archived when the review date is reached.

5. When an approver denies a document, ability to create new document using the denied document content as a template
In the previous versions of Document Controller, if an approver denied a document the Document Owner would have to archive the document (which is useful for auditing purposed) and start the document all over again. In version 8.5 of Document Controller, the Document Owner has the option to create a new draft version of the document using the same content as the denied document.

For more information on Document Controller see here